2015-04-10 14:23
This post is transcribed from a telephone conversation
I'm running a provisional bill on one tariff and on another tariff, and the MD (Peak and Standard) are different, and they give the same timestamp.
The MD on the one is for the current month, and the other is an average of the previous 12 months. Why is the first one 5000 and the other 8000!??! It is never this big.
2015-04-10 14:29
Yes, the description on the second one is wrong. The description is for the Peak and Standard this month. It is a pretty generic MD description. So, not sure what timestamp to put for an average for the last 12 months worth of MD? We should probably change that description, but I'm not sure what it should be. Please send me suggestions.
As for the MD, please note that MD is per half hour, where the profile is per 15 minute, so you have to average THAT, and also the graph is sometimes slightly less accurate than the billing figures, because of compression of the values we send to the graph for real time display as you move your mouse over the graph.
As for the 8000, if you zoom out, you'll see that last year September and October there were huge amounts of demand in the middle of the day, like 12000 or 15000, so 8000 as an average of the last 12 months is pretty reasonable, imho